Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Commissioned Artwork

Novamation MEDIA specializes in computer rendered artwork.  We provide services in:

  • Digital Animation
  • Architectural Design Rendering
  • Computer Generated Panoramas and Walk-throughs
  • Online Training and LMS
  • Database-Driven Graphic User Interfaces

Often, this means we convert your hand-drawn sketches and elevations, computer produced technical drawings, or even thoughts and ideas to add more realism or detail. Product demonstration images and architectural mock-ups are essential for design firms when pitching ideas to potential clients.

For this project, Detroit House Carpentry sent us a a SketchUp .dae file.  They needed several photo-realistic product shots of a custom kitchen island for one of their potential clients.

This is the original SketchUp .dae file for a kitchen island designed by Detroit House Carpentry.

This image is made from the Solid Model which was built in 3DS-Max. From this point, the model can be shaded, textured and made into a technical drawing or photo-realistic image.

This Line Art or Technical Drawing of the project is usually added to support dimension and other technical data about the project. It goes well with the black and white printed documentation included in the project folder.

This is the final Photo-Realistic product shot. As you can see, the model has been given several textures, been exposed to multi-directional lighting and has been placed in a semi-real-world environment.

Learn More about Novamation MEDIA at Houzz.com or LinkedIn.
Learn more about Detroit House Carpentry at Houzz.com.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Animation: Our First Love

We all perform different tasks.
Tasks that pay the bills we call our job.
But, where is our heart?
What is it that we love the most?

At Novamation MEDIA our heart is in Animation.  Don't get us wrong, we perform many tasks extremely well, but we really love building things and watching them move. Whether it's a motion graphic for an industrial video, or a fully articulated animated character, animation is where our heart is, and it is what we love the most.

This robot (EMU-Essential Mechanical Unit) is an animated gif  designed for Bully Comics story called "Anachronisms."

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jesi Lea's Illustration

Here's a 3D illustration we created for USA Today Bestselling Author, Jesi Lea Ryan.  Her collection is available on Amazon.  This product illustration was created for her personal web site, and it encourages her readers to download and enjoy.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

O-D Kitchen - Sneak Peek One

O-D Kitchen is a spacial study that began with a partial Sketchup file that was originally created by  Brice Madden over at Detroit House Carpentry.  The study challenge for Novamation MEDIA was to create multiple design possibilities from the single incomplete file.

The result will produce several photo-realistic kitchen visualizations from a single file.  This first will feature some of Bryce's excellent work in white oak.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Second Title Bar

I'd like to see LinkedIn allow for multiple title bars on their sites.  Ok, its our fault, we make too many of them.  No probs, we'll just feature them here.  This Loompa is from "The Wonderful Wonkapedia."

New LinkedIn title bar

We're going to start this thing slowly, and the slowest way I can think of is to start by working on the LinkedIn corporate identity.  Does anybody still use LinkedIn?  Doesn't matter, we're gonna start there anyway.  LinkedIn converts titles to .png, so the animation only works here.

Big Reboot

The day you sign a client is the day you start losing them

Wise words from Roger Sterling, and while nobody actually believes that, I think its about time that Novamation MEDIA started drumming up some new clients.